1. 15 Shortcut Keys for Beginners 2. How to add today’s date & current time 3. How to add quick date series 4. How to add quick days series 5. How to add quick number sequences 6. Seconds add Data Picker Calender (PREVIEW) 7. Transpose data 8. Copy & move worksheet 9. Add more data in one cell 10. Change title case 11. Freeze panes 12. Quick color scales-formatting colors 13. Paste Special…Values 14. Sort cells by colors 15. Insert 3D Model
16. 10 Intermediate Keyboard shortcuts 17. Quick Fill in blank cells 18. Flash fill feature in Excel 19. Alternate to merging & centering cells 20. Create a table & format tables 21. Find & remove unwanted text (PREVIEW) 22. Highlight duplicates-conditional formatting 23. Percentage formatting cell 24. Quick move data rows up & down 25. Insert multiple rows in one click 26. Data Validation 27. Checklist strikethrough 28. Auto fill Email address 29. Remove background image 30. Shrink text to fit cell 31. Add background Image 32. Insert PDF data into Excel 33. Insert Data Bar 34. Split cell diagonally 35. Compare Differences
36. Quick Auto Sum 37. Add or collapse formula breakdown 38. Percentage calculation (PREVIEW) 39. Mix & Max 40. Remove blank multiple rows in a data 41. Quick join text column 42. Repeat last format 43. Count function 44. Trim Function 45. Add bullet points in list
46. Adding Units custom format KG/ $ 47. Custom numbers in Thousand (K) / Millions (M) 48. Create form for data entry 49. Rename formula heading 50. Insert data from Web 51. Collapse image on filter 52. Sparkline (PREVIEW) 53. Pivot Table 54. Slicer & Timeline Slider 55. Spin Button
56. Insert Subtotals (PREVIEW) 57.Concatenate() Function/ Join Text 58. Match Function 59. $-Fix Reference 60. IF..Function 61. SUMIF… Function 62. SUMIFS…Function 63. Convert Units 64. Find smallest Value 65. XLOOKUP 66. VLOOKUP 67. Refresh Pivot Table 68. Pivot Table Running Total 69. Custom with Indicator 70. Dynamic Calender
71. Slicer with chart 72. Ring chart 73. Grouping Chart 74. Pivot Chart 75. Create Radio Button & Filter Chart 76. Vertical Bullet Chart 77. 3D glass chart (PREVIEW) 78. Geo Chart 79. Infographic 80. Dashboard
81. VSTACK Function 82. TOCOL Function 83. IF..Function 84. COUNTIF.. Function (PREVIEW) 85. Sparkline 86. Dropdown with Colors 87. Calender Dropdown 88. Split text 89. Google Translate 90. SheetGPT